Henry Bukenya
Henry Bukenya is a 22 year old Ugandan Artist currently living and painting in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. No one knows why we choose to go down a particular path in life. Sometimes it is intentional and at other times it is accidental; others will say that it is a “Calling”. What is a Calling? A Calling is a pull toward something you need to do; it is an inner voice that you feel you must follow. Such is the case of Henry Bukenya.
Growing up as an orphan in Uganda Henry was not doing very well at school. He had no parental guidance, and for that matter very little guidance from anyone. Henry spent his school hours daydreaming and doodling images in his notebooks. He was floundering and getting further behind. Then a new Art Teacher saw Henry’s drawings and seeing that this boy had a “calling” opened Henry’s eyes to the world of Art. It was infectious and Henry now found his way.
Henry Bukenya does not have much of anything, only his talent. His paintings are not created on expensive canvas but on curtain material, old bedsheets or found fabrics. Regardless, in viewing the works, one is struck by the pure joy in the faces of his subjects. One painting shows a young man wearing a pair of broken sunglasses. The joy of owning sunglasses, even though they are broken, is evident in his beaming smile. -
Out of the darkness of a hopeless existence one can only say: “thank-you for the teachers in the world who recognize the ‘calling’ in a young person and guide them toward the avenues to a meaningful life” And to everyone that has purchased Henry’s art or donated toward his dream thus far, Henry is so grateful. “Your kindness means the world to me...I trust and know that I will make it.”